Five candidates from an original eight who all successfully completed a recent intensive three week Insulation Installer Employability Programme, received an early Christmas present by being offered full time employment by Hart Builders.
It was originally envisaged four candidates would be employed as insulation installers however Hart were also able to offer an additional labourer's position.
The employability programme, which was designed to improve the candidates' chances of employment within the Scottish housing sector, was devised and delivered by Hart Builders in partnership with Dundee City Council's Community Benefit Programme.
The course was developed to give participants a range of specific skills required to become specialised insulation installers.
Building regulations introduced in 2015 dictate much higher levels of insulation and air tightness in new homes to secure habitation certificates. As a result, highly trained insulation installers have been identified by Hart Builders as a valuable semi-skilled workforce.
With training, the candidates were very quickly able to learn to complete an essential part of the building process and contribute to ensuring all new homes built by Hart are as energy efficient and airtight as possible.
Gill Henry, Hart Builders' Head of Business Development, said: "We're so thrilled with the success of the Employability Programme. All eight candidates were a great group of guys and all offered real potential.
We originally planned to employ four insulation installers but it was really difficult to choose between them and although I'm sorry we couldn't offer all eight a job, I'm pleased we were able to increase the number we employed to five and will be providing positive references for the three that were unsuccessful".
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