Kingsmuir Drive, Peebles

Project Overview

Kingsmuir Drive was constructed on a former carehome site, which was demolished prior to the main contract being awarded.  Existing stone piers were retained to mark the site entrance.  The layout was developed to combine a sense of arrival, a hard landscaped central court and pedestrian route through the heart of the scheme with active edges to provide simple passive surveillance for both tenants and pedestrians. The project was procured through competitive tender.

The project provides 15no two and three bed, two storey family houses and one three bedroom wheelchair bungalow situated on a land locked site to the south of Peebles Town centre. The wheelchair bungalow was adapted specifically to suit the resident’s needs with an adjustable kitchen and wet floor bathroom with knock through panel from a large double bedroom and provision for a hoist.

The project was completed on time and on budget and was awarded the prestigious Homes for Scotland Best Medium Development (11-25 units) in May 2015.

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