Firm foundations, flexible living

Here at Cruden Homes, we believe not only in building quality new homes, but building them with you in mind. We understand that a home is just a house until it’s lived in. That’s why we approach every project we undertake with thoughtful consideration, designing our homes specifically to support your modern lifestyle.

We hope you find our range of carefully considered properties all across Scotland just as exciting as we do. Now all you have to do is decide which one you want to be yours.


Our Homes

Latest Blogs

How to make your home feel lighter and brighter

The welcome arrival of spring means natural light levels are once again improving, benefiting our homes and gardens as well as our own...

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A beginner's guide to hedges

Walk around any established housing estate, and the chances are you’ll find hedges flanking the edges of individual plots, or lining the...

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Understanding Broadband

Because they’re usually constructed in well-connected urban or suburban areas, new homes tend to offer some of the best internet...

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