Moving Home Checklist

We want the move to your new Cruden home to be as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Careful planning is a great way to minimise stress on moving day. We’ve recommended some useful things to consider before the day of the big move.
Before you move:
• decide on a moving date
• throw away or donate all the items you no longer need to make moving easier – moving is a good excuse for a clear out
• insure all of your possessions for transit
• unpacking boxes can take time, so pack a box of essentials for when you first move in.
When leaving your existing property we recommend that you:
• collect all the keys for your property and hand them to your solicitor
• re-direct your mail
• take a note of all meter readings
• ensure all windows are locked
• defrost your freezer and switch of all appliances
• remove all belongings and leave the property clean and tidy
• leave behind any appliance instruction manuals/warranty documents for the next owner.
Remember to inform:
● Utility companies (gas, electricity providers)
● Local authority (council tax)
● Telephone/cable provider
● Factor
● Bank/building Society
● Insurance provider
● Doctor/dentist/vet
● Family/friends
● Schools.
Now all you need to do is relax and enjoy living in your new Cruden home.