How to make your home feel lighter and brighter
The welcome arrival of spring means natural light levels are once again improving, benefiting our homes and gardens as well as our own...
A beginner's guide to hedges
Walk around any established housing estate, and the chances are you’ll find hedges flanking the edges of individual plots, or lining the...
Understanding Broadband
Because they’re usually constructed in well-connected urban or suburban areas, new homes tend to offer some of the best internet...
Interior design trends for 2025
Some interior design trends come and go, while others leave a lasting legacy on our homes. Who could have predicted that grey kitchen...
Key housing projects of the last 25 years
We're now a quarter of the way through the current century, making this an opportune moment to review some of Cruden Homes’ landmark...
Staying cool in the kitchen at Christmas
Christmas comes but once a year, and so do the unique stresses associated with being a festive host. There’s already a lot of pressure on...
Choosing the best flooring for different rooms
Every room in our home performs unique roles which call for specific fittings and fixtures. Bathrooms and shower rooms incorporate tiling...
How to make small spaces feel bigger
There’s a size hierarchy in any home, where public rooms tend to be the largest apartments, and downstairs WCs or utility rooms are...
What to put in a first day box
Moving house can be hectic, yet there are many things which help to reduce stress levels on the day itself. A goal without a plan is just a...
There’s more to construction materials than you might think
You can often estimate how old a building is simply by looking at the materials it’s been constructed from. Scotland’s architectural...
How to hang curtains
Moving into a new home is a wonderful experience, but you aren’t inheriting existing window dressings and uncovered windows can feel...
How housebuilding has evolved
It’s been over eighty years since the Cruden Group was founded and our homes have been changing skylines across Scotland ever since....