Complaints Procedure

We strive to provide excellent customer service and high-quality new homes. If you feel we have fallen short in this regard, please let us know and we’ll do all we can to resolve the problem promptly.
In the first instance, you should speak to your Cruden Homes site representative who is best placed to iron out any issues. However, in the unlikely event your complaint cannot be resolved at site level, you may wish to raise a formal complaint. If so, please contact us by email as follows:
For complaints about customer service before you move in -
For complaints about customer service after you move in -
Please ensure you include as much information as possible, including names of any parties involved, details of any incidents or action already taken to resolve the situation, plus any additional details you would like us to consider. Your complaint will be reviewed and passed to the necessary departments for input. We will provide an acknowledgement within 5 working days, in which we will advise who is handling your complaint and how you can contact them. We will provide our full response and proposed resolution within 20 working days of acknowledging your formal complaint. If there is any reason why we are unable to do this, we will let you know and confirm the reason why and how long it will be before a response will be issued.
If, within the 2-year defect liability period, you are unhappy with Cruden Homes' handling of a customer service issue, you may contact your warranty provider and request the use of their dispute resolution service. For technical matters, and if deemed appropriate, the warranty provider may arrange an investigation or dispute resolution meeting. For non-technical matters that remain unresolved after 56 calendar days from raising the complaint (but not more than 12 months after our final response to you), you may be referred to the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme. If this is necessary, you will be provided with the adjudication scheme rules and an application form. Please contact your warranty provider for further details of this service.
Using our formal complaints procedure or the Independent Dispute Resolution Service does not affect your normal legal rights.